Land of the Dead - Coco

  • Lot Type: House
  • 64X64 lot size
  • $26,000 (Furnished)
  • Required packs: 
    • Eps - Get to Work, Get together, City Living, Cats and Dogs & Seasons
    • GPs -  Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Parenthood & Jungle Adventure
    • SPs - Perfect Patio, Spooky, Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Kids Room, Backyard, Vintage Glamour, Toddler Stuff & My First Pet
  • CC free
  • Lot inspired from Land of the Dead from the Disney movie, Coco. The movie follows the kid, named Miguel, who gets accidentally transported to the Land of the Dead, where he finds his deceased family and need the help of his deceased musician great-great-grandfather to return to the living world. 
    • I fell in love with the vivid colors of the lot in contrast with the dark background and I needed to create it. I love the eccentric style, where there are a lot of stuff happening at the same time. I did try to incorporate that with feeling with a mexican style, and I somehow manage to do it.
    • The place is full of skeletons to represent the not-living people who inhabit the Land of the Dead and once a year can go visit the living world.
  • To install the lot, download the ZIP file from the link below. Extract the folder and copy it's contents into your My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray
  • Make sure to have moveobjects enabled before placing it

Onedrive (Tray Files)

If you want to install it from the Gallery, search for kaibellvert (Origin ID) on the Gallery

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